
Who are we:

A client driven financial services enterprise, founded upon the principles of:

  • Creative Thinking and Planning

  • Customized Product Solutions....designed to meet personalized objectives and needs, and

  • Precise and Targeted Action Plans.....formulated to get you where you want to go.....with the ongoing guidance and support of the truly Independent Professional Advisor.

Recent Articles

Identifying Alzheimer's Symptoms

Identifying Alzheimer's Symptoms

As the human brain ages and matures, it’s perfectly natural for memory to undergo a great deal of changes. The brain becomes less pliable and less able to form memories, which can lead to occasional forgetfulness or absent-mindedness.

Principal Residence Exemption Rule Changes

Principal Residence Exemption Rule Changes

The new October 2016 Federal Government Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) rules are causing many Canadians to review and revise existing Wills and Estate Planning strategies according to STEP (The Society of Trust and Estate Planners).

Critical Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

Critical Tips for Avoiding Identity Theft

No one wants to think about having their identity stolen or experiencing a theft of their finances. It is unpleasant, distasteful, and often feels like the type of thing that happens to other people, not to ourselves.

The sad truth is that, every single year, identity theft crimes result in billions of dollars lost by individuals just like you. Unfortunately, those numbers are expected to continue rising in the future.
