
Who are we:

A client driven financial services enterprise, founded upon the principles of:

  • Creative Thinking and Planning

  • Customized Product Solutions....designed to meet personalized objectives and needs, and

  • Precise and Targeted Action Plans.....formulated to get you where you want to go.....with the ongoing guidance and support of the truly Independent Professional Advisor.

Recent Articles

The Magic Number!

The conversation with clients about retirement income planning is much different from those conversations that occur over the years while they are building retirement assets using vehicles such as pensions, RRSPs, LIRA's, TFSAs and so on. Often, their focus is on being “conservative” because their understanding from public sources suggest that this is the appropriate approach to managing their money during retirement.

A Little Knowledge Can Make Life Less Taxing

It doesn't take long after receiving your first paycheck to realize that all of your money is not your own. The Canadian government is an active partner in your earnings, and the more money you make, the larger it takes.

A better understanding of taxes and how they apply to you can result in hundreds of dollars of savings back into your pocket each year.

Grandma and Grandpa Santa

Is it Christmas again already? Time passes too fast when you achieve grandparent status, and George and Grace are wondering once again what to give their grandchildren. Some years ago they realized they had no idea what toys were suitable, so started giving them cash. It seemed to get frittered away on things that soon became boring or obsolete.
