Brian Schmidt, B.Comm., CFP, CPCA
Sr. Associate
Independent Financial Services
Brian was born and raised on a grain farm north of Tisdale, Sask. After high school, he attended the College of Commerce at the U of S where he graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Finance and Economics in 1992.
Brian started as a financial advisor in 1993 and joined Independent Financial Services in 1995. He obtained the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation in 1999, completed IFIC’s Branch Manager designation in 2001 and obtained the CPCA – Certified Professional Consultant on Aging designation in 2005.
Brian specializes in wealth management issues (investment, taxation, insurance, and succession) for small business owners and agricultural producers.

His ideal client is a business person preparing for retirement in the next 5 – 10 years.

Brian is married to Colleen with 2 wonderful sons, William and Alex. He enjoys golfing, fishing, reading, current events and supports the Riders!

Advisor is registered with Investia Financial Services Inc. to provide Mutual Fund Investments.